Section 1 – Objective and Purpose
1.2 Purpose of this Handbook
This handbook has been prepared to inform new employees of the policies and procedures of this company and to establish the company’s expectations. It is not all inclusive or intended to provide strict interpretations of our policies; rather, it offers an overview of the work environment. This handbook is not a contract, expressed or implied, guaranteeing employment for any length of time and is not intended to induce an employee to accept employment with the company. The company reserves the right to unilaterally revise, suspend, revoke, terminate or change any of its policies, in whole or in part, whether described within this handbook or elsewhere, in its sole discretion. If any discrepancy between this handbook and current company policy arises, conform to current company policy. Every effort will be made to keep you informed of the company’s policies, however we cannot guarantee that notice of revisions will be provided. Feel free to ask questions about any of the information within this handbook. This handbook supersedes and replaces any and all personnel policies and manuals previously distributed, made available or applicable to employees.
1.3 At-Will Employment
Employment at this company is at-will. An at-will employment relationship can be
terminated at any time, with or without reason or notice by either the employer or the
employee. This at-will employment relationship exists regardless of any statements by
office personnel to the contrary. Only Management is authorized to modify the at-will
nature of the employment relationship, and the modification must be
in writing.
Section 2 – Workplace Commitments
2.1 Equal Opportunity Employment
This company is an equal opportunity employer and does not unlawfully discriminate against employees or applicants for employment on the basis of an individual’s race, color, religion, creed, sex, national origin, age, disability, marital status, veteran status or any other status protected by applicable law. This policy applies to all terms, conditions and privileges of employment, including recruitment, hiring, placement, compensation, promotion, discipline and termination.
Whenever possible, the company makes reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities to the extent required by law. Employees who would like to request reasonable accommodations should contact Management.
2.2 Non-Harassment Policy / Non-Discrimination Policy
This company prohibits discrimination or harassment based on race, color, religion, creed, sex, national origin, age, disability, marital status, veteran status or any other status protected by applicable law. Each individual has the right to work in a professional atmosphere that promotes equal employment opportunities and is free from discriminatory practices, including without limitation harassment. Consistent with its workplace policy of equal employment opportunity, the company prohibits and will not tolerate harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, sex, national origin, age, disability, marital status, veteran status or any other status protected by applicable law. Violations of this policy will not be tolerated. Discrimination includes, but is not limited to: making any employment decision or employment related action on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, age, sex, disability, national origin, marital or veteran status, or any other status protected by applicable law.
Harassment is generally defined as unwelcome verbal or non-verbal conduct, based upon a person’s protected characteristic, that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion toward the person because of the characteristic, and which affects the person’s employment opportunities or benefits, has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with the person’s work performance, or has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment. Harassing conduct includes, but is not limited to: epithets; slurs or negative stereotyping; threatening, intimidating or hostile acts; denigrating jokes and display or circulation in the workplace of written or graphic material that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion toward an individual or group based on their protected characteristics. Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal, visual or physical conduct of a sexual nature, when:
1. submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment;
2. submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual; or
3. such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment.
Examples of sexual harassment include unwelcome or unsolicited sexual advances; displaying sexually suggestive material; unwelcome sexual flirtations, advances or propositions; suggestive comments; verbal abuse of a sexual nature; sexually oriented jokes; crude or vulgar language or gestures; graphic or verbal commentaries about an individual’s body; display or distribution of obscene materials; physical contact such as patting, pinching or brushing against someone’s body; or physical assault of a sexual nature.
Reporting: Any company employee who feels that he or she has been harassed or discriminated against, or has witnessed or become aware of discrimination or harassment in violation of these policies, should bring the matter to the immediate attention of his or her supervisor or Management. The company will promptly investigate all allegations of discrimination and harassment, and take action as appropriate based on the outcome of the investigation. An investigation and its results will be treated as confidential to the extent feasible, and the company will take appropriate action based on the outcome of the investigation. No employee will be retaliated against for making a complaint in good faith regarding a violation of these policies, or for participating in good faith in an investigation pursuant to these policies. If an employee feels he/she has been retaliated against, the employee should file a complaint using the procedures set forth above.
2.3 Drug-Free / Alcohol-Free Environment
Employees are prohibited from unlawfully consuming, distributing, possessing, selling, or using controlled substances while on duty. In addition, employees may not be under the influence of any controlled substance, such as drugs or alcohol, while at work, on company premises or engaged in company business. Prescription drugs or over the counter medications, taken as prescribed, are an exception to this policy. Anyone violating this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
2.4 Open Door Policy
The company has an open door policy and takes employee concerns and problems seriously. The company values each employee and strives to provide a positive work experience. Employees are encouraged to bring any workplace concerns or problems they might have or know about to their supervisor or some other member of management.
Section 3 – Company Policies and Procedures
3.1 Professional Conduct
This company expects its employees to adhere to a standard of professional conduct and integrity. This ensures that the work environment is safe, comfortable and productive. Employees should be respectful, courteous, and mindful of others’ feelings and needs. General cooperation between coworkers and supervisors is expected. Individuals who act in an unprofessional manner may be subject to disciplinary action.
3.2 Dress Code
An employee’s personal appearance and hygiene is a reflection on the company’s character. Employees are expected to dress appropriately for their individual work responsibilities and position.
Shoes must be:
closed-toed shoes
closed -heel
Clothes cannot have loose pieces.
No loose jewelry.
3.3 Payday
Paychecks are distributed bi-weekly on Fridays after 12:00 pm. If the pay date lands on a holiday, paychecks will be distributed on the closest business day before the holiday. The paycheck will reflect work performed for the 12 day period. Paychecks include salary or wages earned less any mandatory or elected deductions. Mandatory deductions include federal or state withholding tax, and other withholdings. Elected deductions are deductions authorized by the employee, and may include, for example, contributions to benefit plans. Employees may contact Management to obtain the necessary authorization forms for requesting additional deductions from their paychecks. Notify a supervisor if the paycheck appears to be inaccurate or if it has been misplaced. The company reserves the right to charge a replacement fee for any lost paychecks. Advances on paychecks [are/are not] permitted. Information regarding final paychecks can be found under the termination section of this handbook.
Any change in name, address, telephone number, marital status or number of exemptions claimed by an employee must be reported to Management in writing, immediately.
3.4 Company Property
Company property, such as equipment, vehicles, telephones, computers, and software, is not for private use. These devices are to be used strictly for company business, be subject to inspection, and are not permitted off grounds unless authorized. Company property must be used in the manner for which it was intended. Employees are reminded that they should have no expectation of privacy in their use of company computers or other electronic equipment. Upon termination, employees are required to surrender any company property they possess.
Company computers, internet and emails are a privileged resource, and must be used only to complete essential job-related functions. Employees are not permitted to download any “pirated” software, files or programs and must receive permission from a supervisor before installing any new software on a company computer. Files or programs stored on company computers may not be copied for personal use.
Phones are provided for business use. The company requests that employees not receive personal calls while on duty. If urgent, the employee must notify the supervisor immediately, keep personal calls to a minimum and conversations brief. Personal calls are not permitted during production hours.
Violations of these policies could result in disciplinary action.
3.5 Privacy
Employees and employers share a relationship based on trust and mutual respect. However, the company retains the right to access all company property including computers, desks, file cabinets, storage facilities, and files and folders, electronic or otherwise, at any time. Employees should not entertain any expectations of privacy when on company grounds or while using company property.
All documents, files, voice-mails and electronic information, including e-mails and other communications, created, received or maintained on or through company property are the property of the company, not the employee. Therefore employees should have no expectation of privacy over those files or documents.
3.6 Personnel Files
The company maintains a personnel file on each employee. These files are kept confidential to the extent possible.
It is important that personnel files accurately reflect each employee’s personal information. Employees are expected to keep their personal information up to date by notifying Management, in writing. Changes of name, address, home phone number, home address, marital status, number of dependents or emergency contact information.
Section 4 – Employment Classification
This company assigns positions, determines wages and compensates employees for overtime in accordance with state and local laws and the Fair Labor Standards Act.
4.1 Exempt Employees
Exempt employees are those that are excluded from the overtime pay requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act. Exempt employees are paid a salary and are expected to work beyond their normal work hours whenever necessary to accomplish the work of the company. Exempt employees are not eligible to receive overtime compensation. Employees should consult with an administrator if they have questions regarding their classification as an exempt employee.
4.2 Non-Exempt Employees
Non-exempt employees are those eligible for overtime pay of 1.5 times the regular hourly rate of pay for all hours worked over 40 per work week. Employees should consult with an administrator if they have questions regarding their classification as a non-exempt employee. All overtime must be approved in advance by management or above.
4.3 Part Time, Full Time or Temporary Status
Part-time or full-time status depends on the number of hours per week an employee works. Regular employees who work fewer than 32 hours receive part-time classification. Part-time employees are not eligible for employee benefits as described in this handbook. Regular employees who work at least 32 hours receive full-time classification. From time to time the company may hire employees for specific projects or periods of time. Temporary employees may work either part-time or full-time, but generally are scheduled to terminate by a certain date. Temporary employees who remain on duty past the scheduled termination remain classified as temporary. Only Management may change an employee’s temporary status. Temporary employees are not eligible for employment benefits.
Section 5 – Attendance
5.1 Overview
Employees at Golden MFG are expected to be present and productive for work, on time, every day. Regular attendance and punctuality are important to keep Golden MFG operating. Arriving late, being tardy, or being absent causes disruptions and extra work on the rest of the production team.
When needing to report an absence, early departure or tardy, employees must notify the supervisor at least 2 hours prior to the start of the absence. Failure to adhere to the call out procedure may result in disciplinary action.
5.2 Calculation of attendance infractions
Absent: Call in < 2 hours before the start of shift: 1 point.
Absent, no call or > 2 hours before the start of shift: 2 points.
Tardy: ½ point. (30 minutes or less)
Tardy: 1 point. (31 minutes or more)
Unapproved Early departure: 1 point.
Forgets to clock in/out for their shift, breaks, or lunch: 1/4 point.
Employees are given a three-minute grace period at the start and end of each scheduled shift, including breaks and lunch.
Attendance infractions reset every rolling 12-month period.
5.3 Overview of disciplinary action for attendance infractions.
Attendance issues will result in progressive disciplinary action up to and including termination based on the following point system:
Accumulation of 3 points: First Verbal Documented Coaching
Accumulation of 4 points: Second Verbal Documented warning.
Accumulation of 5 points: Documented Conduct Memo and possible suspension
Accumulation of 6 points: Further disciplinary action, up to and including immediate termination of employment.
If an employee is a no-call-no-show for three or more consecutive days it will be considered a job abandonment, or termination without notice.
Employees may request exceptions for work absences from Management. These must be approved on a case-by-case basis.
5.5 Failure to clock-In or clock-out.
Employees must clock-in and clock-out for each shift/break/lunch. If there is any problem recording a clock-in or clock-out, employees should inform Management immediately. Employees who consistently fail to clock-in or clock-out may receive disciplinary action, up to and including termination
5.6 Breaks
Employees are entitled to a 15 minute paid break for every 4 hours worked. Also, employees are expected to take a 30 minute unpaid lunch break if working 8+ hours in one day.
Section 6 – Leave Policies
6.1 Vacations
The company provides, as a benefit, paid vacations for its eligible employees. Forward requests for time off in advance to a supervisor, who may approve or deny the request based on company resources. The company is flexible in approving time off when doing so would not interfere with company operations. Vacation days are granted only on a full day.
A regular employee is eligible to receive paid time off after 6 months of full-time service. Employees must earn and accrue vacation benefits before they may be used.
Any remaining accrued time off may not be accumulated or carried forward into the next year. Vacation benefits do not accrue during any period of extended leave of absence.
6.2 Sick Leave
Situations may arise where an employee needs to take time off to address medical or other health concerns. The company requests that employees provide notification to their supervisor as soon as practicable when taking time off. Sick days may be granted on an unpaid basis to all employees.
6.3 Holidays
The company observes the following holidays:
New Year’s Day
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Memorial Day
Juneteenth National Independence Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Veterans Day
Holidays are observed on a paid basis for all eligible employees. Full time employees are eligible for paid holiday benefits.
6.4 Jury Duty Time Off
The company understands that occasionally employees are called to serve on a jury. Employees who are selected for jury duty must provide a copy of their jury summons to a supervisor. Time taken for jury duty is granted on an unpaid basis. Employees released from jury duty with 4 hours remaining in the workday, are expected to return to work.
6.5 Voting Time Off
Employees are encouraged to participate in elections. The company grants incremental time off to cast a ballot in an election. Voting time off is granted on an unpaid basis. Should extenuating circumstances arise while voting, notify a supervisor as soon as possible.
6.6 Military Leave
Employees called to active military duty, military reserve or National Guard service may be eligible to receive time off under the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994. To receive time off, employees must provide notice and a copy of their report orders to an immediate supervisor. Military leave is granted on an unpaid basis. Upon return with an honorable discharge, an employee may be entitled to reinstatement and any applicable job benefits they would have received if present, to the extent provided by law.
6.7 Leave of Absence
Regular full-time employees may request an unpaid leave of absence after the exhaustion of paid leave. A request for a leave of absence must be submitted in writing in advance to the employee’s immediate supervisor.
Leave of absences that are granted are unpaid, and will not be considered until an employee has exhausted all appropriate accrued leave balances. Continuation of employee benefits during a leave of absence will be addressed on an individual basis, as required by law.
Section 7 – Work Performance
7.1 Expectations
The company expects every employee to act in a professional manner. Satisfactory performance of job duties and responsibilities is key to this expectation. Employees should attempt to achieve their job objectives, and act with diligence and consideration at all times. Poor job performance can result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
7.2 Reviews
The company may periodically evaluate an employee’s performance. The goal of a performance review is to identify areas where an employee excels and areas that need improvement. The company uses performance reviews as a tool to determine pay increases, promotions and/or terminations.
All performance reviews are based on merit, achievement and other factors may include but are not limited to:
– Quality of work
– Attitude
– Knowledge of work
– Job skills
– Attendance and punctuality
– Teamwork and cooperation
– Compliance with company policy
– Past performance reviews
– Improvement
– Acceptance of responsibility and constructive feedback
Employees should note that a performance review does not guarantee a pay increase or promotion. Written performance evaluations may be made at any time to advise employees of unacceptable performance. Evaluations or any subsequent change in employment status, position or pay does not alter the employee’s at will-relationship with the company.
Forward any questions about performance expectation or evaluation to the supervisor conducting the evaluation.
7.3 Insubordination
Supervisors and employees should interact with mutual respect and common courtesy. Employees are expected to take instructions from supervisors or other persons of authority. Failure to comply with instructions or unreasonably delaying compliance is considered insubordination. Acts of insubordination are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
If an employee disagrees with a supervisor, the employee should first try to mediate the situation by explaining their position. If possible, a compromise might be met and accusations of insubordination avoided.
Section 8 – Discipline Policy
8.1 Grounds for Disciplinary Action
The company reserves the right to discipline and/or terminate any employee who violates company policies, practices or rules of conduct. Poor performance and misconduct are also grounds for discipline or termination.
The following actions are unacceptable and considered grounds for disciplinary action. This list is not comprehensive; rather, it is meant merely as an example of the types of conduct that this company does not tolerate. These actions include, but are not limited to:
– Engaging in acts of discrimination or harassment in the workplace;
– Possessing, distributing or being under the influence of illicit controlled substances;
– Being under the influence of a controlled substance or alcohol at work, on company premises, or while engaged in company business;
– Unauthorized use of company property, equipment, devices or assets;
– Damage, destruction or theft of company property, equipment, devices or assets;
– Removing company property without prior authorization or disseminating company information without authorization;
– Falsification, misrepresentation or omission of information, documents or records;
– Lying;
– Insubordination or refusal to comply with directives;
– Failing to adequately perform job responsibilities;
– Excessive or unexcused absenteeism or tardiness;
– Disclosing confidential or proprietary company information without permission;
– Illegal or violent activity;
– Falsifying injury reports or reasons for leave;
– Possessing unauthorized weapons on premises;
– Disregard for safety and security procedures;
– Disparaging or disrespecting supervisors and/or co-workers; and
– Any other action or conduct that is inconsistent with company policies, procedures, standards or expectations.
This list exhibits the types of actions or events that are subject to disciplinary action. It is not intended to indicate every act that could lead to disciplinary action. The company reserves the right to determine the severity and extent of any disciplinary action based on the circumstances of each case.
8.2 Procedures
Disciplinary action is any one of a number of options used to correct unacceptable behavior or actions. Discipline may take the form of verbal warnings, written warnings, probation, suspension, demotion, discharge, removal or some other disciplinary action, in no particular order. The course of action will be determined by the company at its sole discretion as it deems appropriate.
8.3 Termination
Employment with the company is on an at-will basis and may be terminated voluntarily or involuntarily at any time.
Upon termination, an employee is required:
– to continue to work until the last scheduled day of employment;
– to turn in all reports and paperwork required to be completed by the employee when due and no later than the last day of work;
– to return all files, documents, equipment, keys, access cards, software or other property belonging to the company that are in the employee’s possession, custody or control, and turn in all passwords to his/her supervisor;
– to participate in an exit interview as requested by Management.
Section 9 – Health and Safety
9.1 Workplace Safety
The company takes every reasonable precaution to ensure that employees have a safe working environment. Safety measures and rules are in place for the protection of all employees. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of each employee to help prevent accidents. To ensure the continuation of a safe workplace, all employees should review and understand all provisions of the company’s workplace safety policy. Employees should use all safety and protective equipment provided to them, and maintain work areas in a safe and orderly manner, free from hazardous conditions. Employees who observe an unsafe practice or condition should report it to a supervisor or Management immediately. Employees are prohibited from making threats against anyone in connection with his/her work or engaging in violent activities while in the employ of the company. Any questions regarding safety and safe practices should be directed to Management.
In the event of an accident, employees must notify a supervisor immediately. Report every injury, regardless of how minor, to a supervisor immediately. Physical discomfort caused by repetitive tasks must also be reported. For more information about job injuries, refer to the worker’s compensation section of this handbook.
Employees should recognize any potential fire hazards and be aware of fire escape routes and fire drills. Do not block fire exits, tamper with fire extinguishers or otherwise create fire hazards.
9.2 Workplace Security
Employees must be alert and aware of any potential dangers to themselves or their coworkers. Take every precaution to ensure that your surroundings are safe and secure. Guard personal belongings and company property. Visitors should be escorted at all times. Report any suspicious activity to a supervisor immediately.
9.3 Emergency Procedures
In the event of an emergency, dial 911 immediately. If you hear a fire alarm or other emergency alert system, proceed quickly and calmly to the nearest exit. Once the building has been evacuated, only a supervisor may authorize employees to reenter.
Section 10 – Employee Benefits
This handbook contains descriptions of some of our current employee benefits. Many of the company’s benefit plans are described in more formal plan documents available from Management. In the event of any inconsistencies between this handbook or any other verbal or written description of benefits and a formal plan document, the formal plan document will govern.
10.1 Workers’ Compensation
As required by law, the company provides workers’ compensation benefits for the protection of employees with work-related injuries or illnesses.
Workers’ compensation insurance provides coverage to employees who receive job related injuries or illnesses. If an employee is injured or becomes ill as a result of his/her job, it is the employee’s responsibility to immediately notify a supervisor of their injury in order to receive benefits. Report every illness or injury to a supervisor, regardless of how minor it appears. The company will advise the employee of the procedure for submitting a workers’ compensation claim. If necessary, injured employees will be referred to a medical care facility. Employees should retain all paperwork provided to them by the medical facility. Failure to report a work-related illness or injury promptly could result in denial of benefits. An employee’s report should contain as many details as possible, including the date, time, description of the illness or injury, and the names of any witnesses.
A separate insurance company administers the worker’s compensation insurance. Representatives of this company may contact injured employees regarding their benefits under the plan. Additional information regarding workers’ compensation is available from Management.
Section 11 – Termination
11.1 Voluntary Termination
The company recognizes that personal situations may arise which require a voluntary termination of employment. Should this occur, the company requests that the employee provide two weeks advance notice in writing. This request does not alter an employee’s at-will relationship with the company.
All rights and privileges of employment with the company terminate upon the date of separation. As further discussed in Section 8.3, terminating employees are required to return all company property assigned to them. Failure to do so may result in the withholding of their final paycheck.
11.2 Final Paycheck
Employees who terminate employment with the company will be given their final pay check 24 hours. Should the employee be unable to personally retrieve their paycheck, it will be mailed to the address on file.
11.3 Exit Interview
The company may request an exit interview upon notice of termination. The purpose of the exit interview is to complete necessary forms, collect company property and discuss employment experiences with the company.